Psalm 42:1-2 - As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?
There is a longing in our souls that can only be satiated by being in the presence of the Lord! Nothing and no one can touch our hearts like the Lord. One touch from Him heals every hurt, brings sweet peace to our soul, fills us with His agape love, and overwhelms our heart with His Glorious presence.
The Secret Place is where desire and desperation meets God! Our longing for God, opens up Wells of Living Water that floods our souls as we reach for the Lover of our Soul! He is the One who completely quenches our thirst. Just as our bodies need water to survive, our souls long for the abiding presence of God to live! We were created for intimacy and fellowship with God. Without it, our spiritual lives slowly wither and die.
The Lord is passionately in love with you! He has prepared a place for you...a space that only you can occupy in Him, where He will come and abide with you! Today, surrender your heart and press into the Lord until your yearning for more of God opens up the Wells of the Deep! You are a Seeker of the Deep and it's time to Dwell in the Deep!
From the Father's Heart,
Pastor Selah
Seekers of the Deep Prayer, 01/15/2020
Heavenly Father,
I worship your Holiness and bask in your Glorious presence! Lord, take me into the realms of your Glory. I NEED you, Lord!! My heart is empty without you. As the deer pants for water, my soul is longing for you...I want MORE of you! As I bow my heart in your presence, expand my capacity to receive more of you. Fill me up until I overflow. Lord, let your touch open the Wells of the Deep within me. I seek your face and I won't relent until I find my Secret Place in You, in Jesus Name, Amen.