Mark 14:3 (TPT) - “Now Jesus was in Bethany, in the home of Simon, a man Jesus had healed of leprosy. And as he was reclining at the table, a woman came into the house, holding an alabaster flask. It was filled with the highest quality of fragrant and expensive oil. She walked right up to Jesus, and with a gesture of extreme devotion, she broke the flask and poured out the precious oil over his head."
Let it rise like incense
My whole life, a fragrance
Every ounce, here broken at Your feet
Every breath, an offering
My heart cries, these lungs sing
Over You, my worthy King of Kings
All my love , All my love, All my love
You can have it all
All my heart, All my soul, All I own
You can have it all
These lyrics to Alabaster Heart by Kalley Heiligentha (Bethel Music) are the anthem of my heart. I have broken my Alabaster Box before the Lord during these 21 days of Seeking the Deep in Prayer and Fasting, and have poured out my worship upon Him. Today, I pen my Psalm to the Lord.
SELAH'S PSALM (A Song of Seeking the Deep)
I have lavished the Lord with my love and gazed upon his Beauty in Awe and Amazement. I have given Him ALL of me as a sweet-smelling sacrifice, Holy and acceptable to Him. My every breath is an offering to my King. My songs of adoration flow over Him like waves of the sea. I am my Beloved's and He is Mine! My heart will always pursue and long after the Lover of my Soul!
I am undone in His Presence. His Love consumes my very being. I am lost in the wonder of His Majesty. My song has become my precious perfume, which comes before my Lord as the fragrance of passionate, fiery Love. My Love Cry cannot be silenced. I will shout, "Jesus, Come! Jesus, Come!", until I capture the King's attention.
His Love chases me and does not relent. His eyes ravish my heart! His voice softly beckons me -- "Come Away with Me, my Daughter!" The sound of His Voice is like the sound of many waters, and it washes over my soul, as Deep calls unto Deep. I am refreshed in His arms. I am safe. I am healed. I am whole. He whispers His mysteries to me and His radiance illuminates the secret path to His gardens. I arise and run to Him...I commune with Him in the Secret Place, prepared only for He and I. I am in my Beloved's Heart. I am home.
To the Lord with ALL of MY Heart,
Pastor Selah
Prayer, 01/31/2020
Heavenly Father,
I glorify your Holy Name today! I praise you and worship you with my whole heart, mind and strength. Thank you for these 21 Days of Seeking you in the Deep Places with prayer and fasting. My life will never be the same. I am forever changed because of your call to "Come Away with Me, my Daughter!" I have run to your bosom and poured out all that was within me at your feet. I pray that you are pleased with my sacrifice. I pray that my surrender has brought you Glory and that others will be drawn to their intimate Secret Place with you. May you receive all the Glory, Honor and Praise, in the Name of Jesus! Amen.