Isaiah 6:5-7 (NIV) - “Woe to me!” I cried. “I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty.” Then one of the seraphim flew to me with a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with tongs from the altar. With it he touched my mouth and said, “See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for."
I had a dream the other night. In the dream, I turned on the kitchen sink faucet and the water that came out was thick and black. The doorbell rang and when I opened the door, a man from the Water Department said that there was an issue with the water and they were flushing the water lines. He then asked to go to my water tank. He wanted to test the water to ensure that it was not contaminated.
The dream had significance for me because I had just been praying to the Lord about my attitude. For the last few days, I had noticed that at times I was very annoyed internally, and just had a bad attitude. It was surprising to me, especially since I have been spending a lot of quality time with the Lord. My normal disposition is usually calm and peaceful. What was going on? The dream offered the answer. I began to think about Isaiah when he had an Heavenly encounter with the Lord and saw the Lord high and lifted up on His throne and experienced the angels crying out, Holy, Holy, Holy around the throne. Immediately upon this encounter, he fell on his face crying out in despair, "Woe is me!" (Read Isaiah 61:1-8). When faced with the light of God's Glory, Isaiah's own sinful nature was exposed. Like Isaiah, my pursuit of the Lord and drawing closer to Him has begun to reveal issues hidden within my heart.
The man from the Water Department (God) has come to flush out the water line (my heart). The water tank (my spirit), which holds water (houses the Holy Spirit), is also being inspected by the Lord to ensure there are no contaminants (sin). The dirty water coming out of the faucet represented the issues of my heart. "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it (Proverbs 4:23)." I am so grateful for the dream and interpretation. Daily, I am laying my heart on the altar of the Lord and allowing the Holy Spirit to search it and reveal all that is within me that is not pleasing to the Lord. As the pure water of the Word of God cleanses and flushes out the impurities, I am being made whole! Hallelujah!!!
As you Seek the Deep places in God, the deep things in your heart will be revealed. Do not be discouraged or run from what is revealed. Lay your heart on the altar of the Lord and let Him cleanse, heal and restore you in His Presence. Keep going deep!
From the Father's Heart,
Pastor Selah
Prayer, 01/29/2020
Heavenly Father,
Woe is me! I have seen your Glory, Lord and in your presence, my sins have become illuminated. I humble my heart and ask you to cleanse me, purify my heart, and conform me to your image. Flush out the impurities of sin. Wash me in the blood of Jesus. I have no righteousness of my own. My righteousness is in you, Jesus! I am redeemed from the curse of sin and it can no longer live in me. Who the son sets free is free indeed. My sins were nailed to the cross and now it is no longer sin that rules me, but I yield myself to the power of the Holy Spirit. I live, move and have my being in You. Thank you, Lord for the victory! I am free and living free. I am redeemed. I am clean. No more chains holding me, in Jesus Name, Amen.